Sunday, September 18, 2016

Enjoy 2 important speakers at the Bayfield County Lakes Forum 2016 ANNUAL MEETING, Saturday, Oct 8, 9 AM, at the Drummond Community Center in Drummond. All lake groups should send at least one rep.
This year’s meeting will feature Mary Dougherty, key advocate of protecting our region from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). Mary will provide handouts featuring the main highlights and will follow up with a Q&A. Because of the potential impact of CAFOs on Bay Co’s waters and Lake Superior, and because of many of our legislators seek to allow a CAFO in Bay Co, your BCLF places this issue high on our priority list.
Your BCLF Board has learned that John Richter will also speak. John leads the Wisconsin Shoreland Initiative (WSI), the primary force working to return local control of shoreland zoning to our counties while trying to fend off other assaults on our lakes such as private dredging, mining under our lakes, and other insults. BCLF, Northwest Waters, and many area lake associations have contributed to the WSI effort in anticipation of worse things to come in the 2017 legislative session.
The BCLF business meeting will be brief in order to allow our speakers ample time. It is very important that your lake association send at least one rep to this meeting, more if possible. If you have not yet made your 2016 contribution to BCLF, our treasurer will graciously accept your check. Individual donations are also welcome.
Although there will be no election of directors on October 8, BCLF encourages those who value our waters to show their willingness to protect them by supporting BCLF however possible. Come share a snack, have a cup of coffee, and learn more about how you and BCLF can protect your waterfront property values.

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