Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Pigeon Lake Camp Update - Trish Bantle

I spoke with Tom German of the Public Lands Office again yesterday. He had not heard anything further from the USFS. He has been in a holding pattern while waiting for a letter of intent from them. Tom said he will not wait much longer. If he doesn’t hear from them in the next couple weeks the camp will go up for Public Auction. He said the way this happens is that he has to publish the sale for 2 weeks in at least the local news publications. Then, the 3rd week is the auction.  To bid an offer must be made with a check for either 10 or 20% of the purchase price. He said the lowest price considered would be the appraised value. (3.1 million I believe) I asked for a name of someone in the USFS I could speak with and he gave me the name of John McNeil in Rhinelander. I tried to call their office, but had no luck getting through. I then spoke with Jason Bodine with Bayfield County. The county had mentioned they would possibly be interested in a partnership. I gave Jason the information regarding the USFS and he said he would call John McNeil and see what they are thinking. Jason said he would share any information he hears from John with me and I will pass it on!

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