Tuesday, September 18, 2018

September 18, 2018
Trish Bantle, President
Pigeon Lake Association
Dear Ms. Bantle:
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) would like to thank the Pigeon Lake Association
(Association) for your time on Friday August 24th to discuss the ongoing water table issue in the Pigeon Lake
area. On Friday, August 31st, 2018, I personally viewed the surface water levels as I drove around the perimeter
of the lake. It is apparent there are significant water table challenges facing the Pigeon Lake watershed, as
evidence by the high levels observed on both sides of the roads in certain locations, flooded wooded areas and
the water encroaching on riparian private property. The WDNR recognizes this may cause significant hardships
on the riparian owners without an obvious solution.
As stated in the August 24th conference call, the WDNR stands ready as the regulatory agency to review any
proposed permits while considering surface water chemistry, aquatic plant and animal life, exceptional
resources, water control structures and other factors that may relate to a water diversion, if that is the chosen
Seepage lakes such as Pigeon Lake frequently experience level fluctuations, sometimes extreme in nature, such
as what is currently occurring in the Pigeon Lake area. Natural precipitation or dissipation is the most feasible
remedy to these variances in local water table levels. Elevated water tables are a reality for many watershed
areas statewide given the extreme rainfall amounts. The WDNR simply cannot commit its limited resources to
the numerous private property issues across the state.
As agreed upon during the August 24th conference call, the WDNR has provided information about the Shell Lake
Diversion, the contact information for UW/WI lakes program, high capacity well information, water use
reporting information and the WDNR’s surface water data viewer. The WDNR will continue to work closely with
our National Forest Service Partners and give prompt attention to future proposals presented by the
James Yach
Secretary’s Director – Northern Wisconsin
cc: Representative Beth Meyers
Senator Janet Bewley
Paul Strong, CNNF Forest Supervisor, USFS – Rhinelander
Tom Aartila, Water Resources Basin Supervisor, DNR – Park Falls
Keith Patrick, Wetlands and Waterways Basin Supervisor, DNR - Rhinelander
Scott Walker, Governor
Daniel L. Meyer, Secretary
Telephone 608-266-2621
Toll Free 1-888-936-7463
TTY Access via relay - 711

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