Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Letter to Drummond Town Chairman:

Hello Royden,

My name is Trish Bantle and I am the President of the Pigeon Lake Association.

As an association we would request a TEMPORARY EMERGENCY SLOW-NO-WAKE restriction on Pigeon Lake. As you are very aware, Pigeon Lake is experiencing unusually high water levels due to the recent rain events.
The 4th of July holiday weekend, which brings increased recreational lake activity, will soon be upon us. 
This slow/no wake restriction is needed because fast boating, even if done beyond the DNR's 100-foot limit, can cause wakes capable of damaging or destroying docks and other structures. Wakes at this time can also damage sensitive shoreline and plants important to the health of the lake.

Bayfield County Lakes Forum has requested this restriction of Sheriff Susienka as well. 

Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Trish Bantle
President Pigeon Lake Association

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